Starting A Blog – My Biggest Concerns


1. Is this temporary excitement?

So, I’ve decided to start a blog (obviously). However, I did not pay the yearly membership for this without some serious consideration. I had to reflect deeply to figure out if it was just the idea of having a blog that interested me or if I would actually enjoy it. You see, I’ve noticed that sometimes I get all excited about the idea of something, but then when it comes to actually doing it, I don’t find it as alluring as I had initially thought. This happened when I decided to learn guitar. Now, my guitar is in the corner of my room, accumulating dust. The same thing happened with bagpipes…

Maybe I’m just not a musician, right? Well unfortunately I exhibited similar behaviour with yoga classes.  I’m hoping, though, that I will write more than this one article on this blog.

2. I am not a photographer.

What’s a blog without pictures? It’s boring. I am not a big picture taker, though. I’m not really sure why: it could be because I don’t like attention to detail, which is necessary in order to take a jaw-dropping photograph. It could also be my way of rebelling against my generation’s obsession with taking pictures with the sole purpose of posting on social media. With my upcoming travel adventures though, I know that I need to make sure I take a decent amount of pictures, so I can flip through them years from now and relive the different experiences.

3. Will I kill the moment?

I don’t want every moment I experience to become about my blog. The last thing I want is to be looking at Uluru rock in the Australian Outback and think: “oooh this will be a perfect picture to post on my blog, people will love it!” or “hmm what can I write about this experience?” I need to make sure that I don’t feel a certain pressure to come up with content. Rather, everything that I write should flow out of me naturally.

So, there you have it: the 3 biggest concerns I had about starting a blog. I still decided to go through with it though, because life experience.